The Hearts of Teachers 

This week, I witnessed something that moved me, and I wish everyone could see it with me.  I have seen teachers making phone calls to ensure that “their babies” are okay.  I have heard about the tears they shed because they missed them so much and the shock because they had no idea it was going to be so emotional not knowing when they would see them again.  I have witnessed fear about whether their students were able to come to the school to get the meals or whether the school was able to get the meals to their students.  And the concern that oozed from teachers when they were not able to reach families after multiple attempts has been extraordinary.  Our Student Services Coordinator has been working with teachers and her colleagues from other buildings from early morning until late at night trying to make sure all students are okay. 

Then there has been planning for educational opportunities.  Teachers have done research on their own and in small groups.  They have met in grade level teams.  They have met in groups across the district.  They have met with Central Office and technology representatives.  I have been blessed to be a member of these teams.  I have met with over 40 teachers on Zoom this week while still balancing my family – just like the dedicated members of the teams that have taken my breath away this week.  I have heard not one teacher complain about the extra work, even though we all know it would be easier and more satisfying to be at school teaching.  It is just the way things are right now and we will do the best we can…for “our kids.”

The biggest struggle I have seen for teachers is that they feel out of control and they want to do more.  One teacher called me in tears this week because she feels helpless.  Another called me wanting to find ways to provide meaningful experience to a student teacher under these circumstances. Our paraprofessionals want to be with their special someone.  All the adults are missing “real school.”

None of us signed up for or planned for this situation.  We are being called to reinvent the way we are doing school in a matter of days and weeks, when even a standard curriculum would normally take us months and months of planning. However, I am even more confident than ever in the amazing people that surround me every day.  There is no doubt that they have risen to the occasion and they will continue to do whatever is necessary to support the families in our community in the current world of social distancing.  

This week, I witnessed something that moved me. I have seen the hearts of those in the teaching community. I have seen their compassion, their dedication, their innovation and their commitment. And I wish everyone could see it with me.

Posted by thelmig On 29 March, 2020 at 12:36 PM  

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